

Cable Canyon Trip Report

Liberty Mountain Customer Service manager Paul Larkin took a trip through Cable Canyon in the San Rafael Swell of South Eastern Utah. He made the trip with former Liberty Mountain employee Christian Weaver and Paula Weaver. Here are a few of his photos, some helpful stats for anyone interested in attempting the canyon, and a list of the gear that was needed to make it through.

  • The weather was a pleasant high of 85 degrees
  • The trip took 9 hours car-to-car. We started at 7am, dropped into the canyon at 10am, and were back to the cars around 4pm
  • There was a bit of non-technical scrambling on the way into the canyon

  • The canyon required 10 or so rappels, with the longest being about 70 feet
  • There was also quite a bit of down climbing, some stemming and a whole lot of fun
  • At one point we saw a ringtail fox carcass in one of the potholes
  • There was almost no water in the canyon. Often you don't know what water levels will be like going into remote canyons like these, so it's best to be prepared for everything.

  • The only water hole we couldn’t avoid was the first pothole, but the water was only up to our waists
  • We used a variety of canyoneering techniques to make it through including a human ladder using our knees, hands and shoulders to get out of potholes
  • Possibly the best technique of the day was my beached whale anchor over a hump, allowing me to pull up Christian

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