

Nalgene Plastic Bottles - Outside Magazine's Most Influential Gear

Outside Magazine named the Nalgene Plastic Bottle as the "Most Influential Gear Of All Time." Let's find out why.

Think back to your very first Nalgene water bottle. Did it look like one of the two bottles below? And were you able to easily buy it from any outdoor gear store?

Back in the day, say around 1970, outdoor enthusiasts purchased their Nalgene bottles through laboratory-equipment suppliers. That is because Nalgene, or Nalge at that time, started out as a polyethylene laboratory equipment manufacturer, making things like centrifuge bottles, filter units, test tubes, and petri dishes.

The story behind the migration of Nalgene bottles from inside the Laboratory to outside in the wilderness begins with the banning of cans and glass containers in certain outdoor areas. This caused resourceful lab workers to borrow laboratory containers during their weekend adventures to hold water and powdered foods. Boy Scouts eventually started using plastic lab containers for all of their excursions, which gave Marsh Hyman, President of the Nalge Company, the idea to create a line of bottles entirely focused at the camping/outdoor industry. And now you can find a Nalgene plastic water bottle in almost any outdoor gear store in the nation.

The current selection of Nalgene bottles is almost too vast to keep track of. They just keep getting better and sexier. At Liberty Mountain, we pride ourselves in our distribution of Nalgene products. With its big brand and all its quality products, Nalgene definitely is one of our best sellers and is a must-have for your gear shop.

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